At Certain, we absolutely believe that as a culture we need to start viewing music, art and movement as essentials, not extras. In recent times, when life has been stripped down to bare basics, it has been these things that have sustained us.

Certain seeks to give a voice to new talent, crossing boundaries of age, race and genre stereotypes. We smash open neat boxes to form creative hybrids and multi-media collaborations. Supporting communities and the fiercely talented artists within them, we will try always to put out content that connects, moves or lifts the spirit. We want to make music you can carry with you through life, songs you may not even realise you know by heart, but that can transport you to a better place in just 3 minutes.

Our Partners:



At the heart of our project are female writers and artists, and we are proud to work with Girlsirate; a movement pushing for change, striving to create equal opportunities for women in the music/entertainment industry.


We are proud to partner with leading suicide prevention charity CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), who’s vital frontline work assists people at crisis point through helplines, community outreach and campaigns.